The Next Generation: Assisting Emerging Doctors with Career Choices
18 December, 2013 by Ryan MccannGeneral Practice Registrars Australia is the peak body for the next generation of general practitioners. The organisation is committed to improving the health care for all Australians through excellence in education and training, and promoting general practice as the medical specialty of choice. Over recent years, GPRA has put together a strong engagement initiative to start a conversation with these new and emerging doctors through a program called GP First.
Spending on Cancer Risen Faster than Total Health Spending
16 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithSpending on cancer has risen at a slightly faster rate than total health spending in recent years, according to a report released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).
UQ has Grown a Kidney Using Stem Cells
16 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithUniversity of Queensland researchers have made a major leap forward in treating renal disease, announcing they have grown a kidney using stem cells.
Professor Len Harrison wins JDRF Lifetime Achievement Award
12 December, 2013 by Petrina Smith[caption id="attachment_6146" align="alignleft" width="200"] Professor Len Harrison has been awarded the 2013 JDRF Lifetime Research Achievement Award for his research into type 1 diabetes.[/caption]
Indigenous Health Report Card Published
11 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Australian Medical Association has published the 2012-13 Indigenous Health Report Card; The Healthy Early Years – Getting the Right Start in Life.
Health Organisation Raise Awareness of Food Insecurity
10 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Dietitians Association of Australia and the Public Health Association of Australia have joined forces with Australian Red Cross to draw attention to the health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians, due to food insecurity.
Muscle Regeneration a Realistic Clinical Possibility
10 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithMuscle Regeneration is a more realistic clinical possibility now that scientists have found a way to isolate muscle cells from embryonic tissue.
Zero Tolerance for Abusive Behaviour in the General Practice Workplace
09 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithGeneral Practice Registrars Australia’s Wellbeing Subcommittee worked to identify ways to encourage zero tolerance for abusive and intimidating behaviour in the general practice workplace. The latest development from the subcommittee is the production of a clear and direct ‘no tolerance’ poster that can be displayed in a practice or consulting room.
Nurses Urge Government to Reconsider Funding Cuts to ADCA
05 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Australian College of Nursing (ACN) and the Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australasia (DANA) believe the decision to cease funding of the Alcohol and Other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA) will remove an authority that is imperative to the health and wellbeing of all Australian communities.
Centre for the Health Economy Launched at Macquarie University
05 December, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="eqkYabOo0Nzlp5AduCFsiaaFx6yaHxdd"]
New Evidence that Stomach 'Clock' Tells us How Much to Eat
05 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithUniversity of Adelaide researchers have discovered the first evidence that the nerves in the stomach act as a circadian clock, limiting food intake to specific times of the day.
Inaugural Meeting of the National Complex Needs Alliance Today
05 December, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="G0tAqn0CojnPTUxgtkWpjVO0PjZWyhRF"]
Cape York and Torres Strait Health Services Merge
04 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Cape York and Torres Strait–Northern Peninsula Hospital and Health Services will merge.
AMA Releases Position Statement on Ethical Issues in Reproductive Medicine 2013
04 December, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="JiI8tanpQsXxpJp57JbePQWhQy7VCUUy"]