New and Amended Medicines Listed on PBS
28 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe cost of 50 new and amended medicines and technologies to treat cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and a range of other debilitating diseases have been listed on the PBS and will be subsidised by the government.
RCPA Supports Recommendations for Pathology Tests in Australia
28 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) has announced its support of a document released today by Friends of Science in Medicine (FSM) surrounding Recommendations for Pathology Tests in Australia.
The Arts are a Great Way to Promote Healthy Living
28 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe arts are a great way to promote healthy living, according to researchers from The University of Western Australia.
Disassociation of Cholesterol with Heart Disease Claimed to be 'Very Dangerous'
28 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithA Griffith University scientist has described the recent attempts to disassociate diets high in saturated fats and cholesterol from heart disease, as potentially ‘very dangerous’.
New Centre for Orthopaedic and Trauma Research
28 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithWorld-class research to improve outcomes for people with musculoskeletal conditions will be the focus of the University of Adelaide’s new Centre for Orthopaedic and Trauma Research (COTR).
New 4D Scanning Technique to Preserve Lung Function in Cancer Patients
28 October, 2013 by Petrina Smith[caption id="attachment_5398" align="alignright" width="292"] The black and white CT scan (left) shows a lung cancer (blue arrow) partially surrounded by expanded and apparently aerated lung; the PET scan (right) shows the expanded lung without corresponding blood flow (red arrow), meaning this lung is not effectively contributing to breathing[/caption]
Chronic Pain in Women is Harder to Treat Than in Men
24 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithNew research from the University of Adelaide has found that chronic pain in women is more complex and harder to treat than chronic pain in men.
Diabetes Queensland Welcomes Healthier Happier Campaign
24 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithDiabetes Queensland has welcomed the State Government’s new Healthier. Happier. campaign and acknowledged the role it will play in the fight against obesity.
More Work Needed on Tobacco and Obesity
24 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Public Health Association of Australia (PHHA) has called on governments from around Austraila to reassess their approach to tobacco and obesity.
AMA Urges Health Minister to Introduce a New National Medical Training Plan
23 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe AMA Council of Doctors in Training (AMACDT) is urging Australian Health Ministers to agree to start work on a new national medical training plan when they meet in November.
Off duty
01 August, 2013 by ahhbKatie Vine is completing her Master of Sports Physiotherapy at La Trobe University while working at Canberra Hospital as an Emergency Department Primary Contact Physiotherapist.She is also an ACT Health Directorate Project Officer with the Health Workforce Australia Expanded Scope of Practice Project, investigating and implementing extended scope of physiotherapy roles. Katie was awarded the Australian Physiotherapy Association’s (APA) Award for Professional Excellence five years in a row, between 2008 and 2012.
National safety and quality health service standards
11 July, 2013 by ahhbStandard 4 Medication Safety
AMA Calls to Scrap Cap on Tax Deductions for Professional Development Expenses
10 July, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Australian Medical Association (AMA) has welcomed a move to launch a full Senate inquiry into the Federal Government’s $2000 cap on tax deductions for work-related self-education expenses.