
New Mental Health Facility will Deliver Services for Sydney Region

18 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Up to 1900 people experiencing mental health issues will have access to rehabilitation with the development of a new pu-pose designed facility in Camperdown, Sydney.

Healthy Lifestyle Pregnancy Advice has Led to Reduction in Babies Born Overweight

14 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The world's biggest study offering healthy eating and exercise advice to overweight and obese pregnant women has shown a significant reduction in the number of babies born over 4kg in weight.

Pharmacists Express Concern Over Cap on MedChecks

13 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

[caption id="attachment_5871" align="alignright" width="110"] Grant Kardachi[/caption] The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has expressed concerns over the decision to cap the number of MedChecks and Diabetes MedsChecks that can be performed by individual pharmacists to 10 a month, and the number of Homes Medicines Reviews that can be delivered to 20 a month. National President of the PSA, Grant Kardachi, said the Society was concerned that consumers could lose out on vital health services as a result of the caps.

Clot Busting Drug is a Life Saver

10 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Australian researchers have developed a potentially safer and more effective way to treat heart attack and stroke via a new clot-busting drug, with the National Heart Foundation of Australia saying it could save many lives.

New Health Star Rating Website Helps Consumers and Food Industry

05 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) has welcomed the establishment of the website to facilitate the new Health Star Rating on food.

Organ Donor Numbers Rose in 2013

05 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A 10 per cent increase in the number of deceased organ donors in 2013 enabled 1222 Australians to receive an organ transplant.

Shivering May be the Next Trend for Losing Weight

05 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Shivering against the cold may have the added benefit of burning body fat, a new study led by a University of Queensland researcher has found.

Terms of Reference Announced for Mental Health Services Review

05 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

[caption id="attachment_6263" align="alignright" width="110"] Minister for Health Peter Dutton[/caption]

CHeBA Lobbies Prime Minister to Place Dementia on G20 Agenda

04 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

On the back of the success of the recent G8, the the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) is lobbying Prime Minister Tony Abbott to to place dementia prominently on the G20 agenda, when it is held in November.

Global Report released for World Cancer Day

04 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The World Cancer Report, released today for World Cancer Day, shows that cancer is the biggest cause of mortality globally, responsible for 8.2 million deaths per year and rising.

Queensland Department of Health Acts in Fraud Awareness Month

03 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

In its bid to prevent another fake Tahitian Prince scandal, the Queensland Department of Health is adoping a zero tolerance approach to fraud, misconduct and corruption in Fraud Awareness Month.

Register 4 Cancer Research Opened Up to All Cancers

03 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Targeted Treatments for Parkinson's Disease Now More Possible

03 February, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Targeting treatments for patients with Parkinson's disease may be more possible with a surprise discovery made by  UQ’s Queensland Brain Institute (QBI).

Doctors Prescribe FebFast to Raise Awareness of Excessive Alcohol Consumption

30 January, 2014 by Petrina Smith

With excessive consumption of alcohol a concern in the community, AMA Victoria is proving to patients and themselves that a month without alcohol is just what the doctor ordered by participating in FebFast.

Organ Donation in 2013 Highest on Record

30 January, 2014 by Petrina Smith

[caption id="attachment_6626" align="alignright" width="145"] Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash[/caption]

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