Seclusion Rates in Mental Health Facilities Continue to Drop
03 December, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="cBeliVgesI4cLhwTggRTmSUF48PVdvKy"]
Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement to Address Major Issues
03 December, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) is concerned the final meeting of trade ministers for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement will see major issues remain undecided, including parts of the agreement that will affect the cost of medicines and the ability of the Australian Government to protect the health of our population.
International Day of People with Disability - ABS Data Reflects on 21 Years
03 December, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="stYSXhtrBcFU3wCCTSmHLzONlcHhFhJn"]
‘Angelina Effect’ Sees Referrals to Cancer Genetic Clinics Double
28 November, 2013 by Petrina SmithReferrals to cancer genetic clinics have doubled since Angelina Jolie announced her risk-reducing mastectomy.
Cancer Carers More Distressed than Patients They Care For
28 November, 2013 by Petrina SmithCarers of ovarian cancer patients experience high levels of distress and low mental and physical wellbeing, according to research to be presented today (13 November) at the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia’s (COSA’s) Annual Scientific Meeting.
Surgery Connect is Easing Elective Surgery Waiting Lists in Public Hospitals
28 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="BUaXqSP2lARYN3DqYGo99FUiWut8krSP"]
Research Provides New hope for Sufferers of Pulmonary Hypertension
28 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith[caption id="attachment_5556" align="alignright" width="200"] Norm Morris and Cadel Evans[/caption]
National Mental Health Commission Chair Calls for Political Courage in Reforming Mental Health
27 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="NYf2aMHXQbPCdtNB28up1J6NcxroHC0e"]
HPV Vaccination Program has Resulted in Fall in Cervical Abnormalities
27 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="5jPurok1ZxTgXKdYt9O9De4eX0Iyy2Fx"]
New Hope in Fight Against Resistant Forms of Breast Cancer
27 November, 2013 by Petrina SmithThere is new hope in the fight against resistant forms of breast cancer as Griffith Health Institute (GHI) research aims to target the disease with novel anti-cancer agents.
AHHA Recommends Evaluation of Recent Health Reforms
26 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith[contextly_auto_sidebar id="t4keaSLWKYloOHyweBvhQIRf7d4reZ75"]
Conference Puts Chronic Disease Prevention to Work
26 November, 2013 by Petrina Smith‘Chronic Diseases – Prevention and Improving Health Outcomes,’ is the theme of the 9th Gold Coast Health and Medical Research Conference 2013, being held at Surfers Paradise, on November 28 and 29.
Chronic Heart Failure Medicine Subsidy Welcomed
21 November, 2013 by Petrina SmithThe National Heart Foundation of Australia has welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to subsidise a chronic heart failure medicine, saying it will help improve the quality of life for many of the 300,000 people living with the debilitating disease.
People with Chronic Lung Disease may be Missing Out on Effective Treatments
20 November, 2013 by Petrina SmithThousands of Australians with the chronic lung disease COPD may be missing out of some of the most effective non-drug treatments available, a new report by the Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring (ACAM) warns.
Discussion Paper on End-of-Life Medical Care To be Launched
19 November, 2013 by Petrina SmithCurrent practices in end-of-life medical care require major change to ensure more Australians experience ‘better’ deaths, according to a panel of medical, ethical and legal experts.