Allied Health & Aging

New trial should improve mental health care access: APHA

20 May, 2024

A new trial to fund telehealth for psychiatric inpatient consultations should result in better access to psychiatric care for Australian patients, according to the APHA.

Most people with psychosis known to health services: study

15 May, 2024 by UNSW Sydney

Three out of four people who committed serious violent offences in NSW and were found not guilty due to mental illness had visited at least one mental health service prior to the attack, a study has found.

Call to improve prevention and management of chronic conditions

08 May, 2024

The Australian Medical Association is urging action on the prevention and management of chronic conditions in Australia.

Opinion: It's time for Australia to introduce a sugary drinks tax

08 May, 2024

Sugary drinks cause weight gain and increase the risk of a range of diseases, including diabetes.

Insomnia medication for alcohol use disorder?

06 May, 2024

Researchers are recommending full-scale human trials after an insomnia drug helped a man withdraw from his 16-drinks-a-day addiction.

Severe mental illness and physical ailments: what's the link?

02 May, 2024

People living with severe mental illness continued to face significant health inequity compared to the general population, particularly those aged under 40.

Collaboration key to improving adherence to physical activity guidelines

29 April, 2024 by Luke Snabaitis*

We all know that being physically active is important for our health, but getting people to actually move enough to meet the recommended guidelines can be a challenge.

Improving mental health care of deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals

26 April, 2024

Questions that mental health nurses ask on the frontline help them guide consumers to the safest place in the emergency department, clinic or ward.

Australia is getting good value for health dollar: report

24 April, 2024

A healthcare system that gets people in and out of hospital quickly and cheaply isn't much good if those patients aren't getting better.

Medical drone project to service rural, remote Australia

23 April, 2024

The University of Sydney and ASAC consultancy are developing a hydrogen-fuelled, emissions-free medical drone to service rural and remote Australia, like the Kimberley.

Hospital teams with intersecting roles more effective: study

23 April, 2024

The rise of 'fluid participation' — frequent changes to team membership and the composition of available skills — poses new challenges to traditional coordination mechanisms.

Hong Kong to host Asia Summit on Global Health this May

11 April, 2024

The event will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) from 16-17 May 2024.

At-home care recipients in hospital longer compared to aged care residents

10 April, 2024

The study involved collaboration between the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network, Flinders University and the University of South Australia.

Should chatbot psychologists be part of the health system?

08 April, 2024 by Amy Sarcevic

This year, an announcement that chatbot psychologists could become part of Australia's healthcare system within the next two years sparked controversy in medical and public arenas.

SA physician selected for global health leadership program

15 March, 2024

Dr Chloe Furst, a dual-trained geriatrician and palliative care physician from the Central Adelaide LHN, has been selected from over 250 applicants.

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