Industry News
Could virtual games become part of pain management?
The next time you habitually search your bathroom cabinet for some pain medication, you may want to consider virtual games first. According to Edmund Keogh, from the University of Bath, research has shown that psychology plays an important part in how we experience both acute and chronic pain – and that painful sensations can be manipulated by what we think and feel. [ + ]
Soldiers, mindfulness and mental health
This Anzac Day we take a look at the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on our returned soldiers and how mindfulness can be part of the solution. [ + ]
Who will help the midwife?
When complications arise in the delivery room that lead to traumatic childbirth, clinicians providing care may feel upset and experience secondary traumatic stress. A new study published in Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, a journal of the Nordic Federation of Societies of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found that feelings of blame and guilt dominate when midwives and obstetricians struggle to cope with the aftermath of a traumatic childbirth, but such events also made them think more about the meaning of life and helped them become better midwives and doctors. [ + ]
The Rounds - Updates in Healthcare
The S-Monovette Is The Revolution In Blood Collection
The S-Monovette® is an innovative enclosed blood collection system that allows the user to draw blood from the patient using the syringe or vacuum method, uniting the advantages of both techniques in a single product. [ + ]
Infant feeding - finally some clarity
With so much confusing and conflicting information about infant feeding, LEAPS (Learning, Eating, Active, Play, Sleep), a free program led by QUT in partnership with NAQ Nutrition, provides some welcome clarity. [ + ]
World's First Low Cost Dialysis Unveiled
It’s an invention that could save millions of lives each year and transform the way kidney disease is treated around the world. [ + ]
Rapid response halves heart attack deaths
Detecting and treating patients before they have a cardiac arrest isn’t rocket science, but it’s a life saver. [ + ]
Cancer in 3D - the real world of cancer cells
It's now possible to take 3D images of lab-grown cancer cells to get a more realistic snapshot of how they grow, spread and respond to their environment, thanks to a new high-resolution microscope developed by US researchers. [ + ]