Numerous Areas for Improvement Details in Review of the Prevention and Control of Legionella Pneumophila Infection in Queensland
17 October, 2013 by Petrina SmithChief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young’s Review of the prevention and control of Legionella pneumophila infection in Queensland was tabled in Parliament today and detailed numerous areas for improvement.
How to best support healthcare providers meet the NSQHS standards
14 October, 2013 by ahhbWe are witnessing a global move towards patient safety. Indeed, in the Australian healthcare sector, we are undergoing a period of great change which has been reflected in part by the new set of National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards that became effective on January 1 2013, writes Professor Cathryn Murphy.
New imaging - Further advancing patient care
07 October, 2013 by ahhb[caption id="attachment_5130" align="alignright" width="200"] Head x-ray, brain in MRI[/caption]
Pharmaceutical Society of Australia President Recognised for Excellence
02 October, 2013 by Petrina Smith[caption id="attachment_5092" align="alignright" width="133"] PSA National President Grant Kardachi[/caption]
Australasian Emergency Departments facing the challenges
30 September, 2013 by ahhb[caption id="attachment_4973" align="alignright" width="200"] Senior House Officer Dr Giovanna Marchant doing an intubation[/caption]
Study reveals gaps in wound care knowledge
26 September, 2013 by ahhbThe Wound Management Innovation Cooperative Research Centre aims to improve wound healing through the adoption of best practice. Research shows there is room for improvement, writes project manager Karen Innes-Walker.
Better burn care for all Australians - Further advancing patient care
24 September, 2013 by ahhbMonitoring the incidence, management and outcomes of burns patients is crucial to providing evidence based best practice and consistent care for survivors of these devastating injuries. The bi-national burns registry and burns quality improvement program provides a world-leading repository for burns data writes Heather Cleland, President of the Australian & New Zealand Burn Association.
The patients' perception of infection prevention and control in healthcare
17 September, 2013 by ahhbThe strategies healthcare facilities have in place to manage healthcare acquired infections need to take the patient into consideration, writes Marija Juraja.
2013 Operating theatre management conference is one of a kind
15 July, 2013 by ahhbManaging operating rooms requires the coordination of human and material resources to maximise efficiency, cost effectiveness and patient safety. All this, and more, will be on the agenda of Australia’s only event for operating room and perioperative management professions, the Fifth Operating Theatre Management Conference.
Take Our Infection Control Quiz
20 June, 2013 by Ryan MccannPlease take this short quiz to see how your infection control measures at your workplace rate and receive a FREE mini guide to Hygienic Laundry Practice.
Gold Coast University Hospital in final fit-out phase
19 June, 2013 by ahhbAt a cost of $1.76 billion the Gold Coast University Hospital is nearing completion, due to open to the public in September this year. Currently, contractors and staff are involved in the final fit out of furniture, fittings, IT and medical equipment. Gold Coast Health Executive Director Strategic Development Mr Michael Allsopp talks to AHHB about this stage of the project and proudly boasts the hospital will have the highest level of information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and connectivity of any hospital currently under construction or operating in Australia.
Preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections
20 April, 2013 by ahhbReflecting on Standard 3, at least half of all healthcare associated infections are considered to be preventable and can cause extensive harm and have significant resource costs, writes President of the Australasian College for Infection Prevention and Control, and Co-Director for Sterilization and Infection Control, Southern Health, Elizabeth Gillespie BN, RM, ORMgt, CICP, MPubHlth(Melb).
Prince of Wales Hospital Opens Mental Health ICU Heralding “A New Era”
27 March, 2013 by Ryan MccannThe NSW Health Minister Jillian Skinner said the facility heralded a new era of mental health care, as the state-of-the-art, 12-bed high-care, specialist Mental Health Intensive Care Unit (MHICU) opens at Sydney's Prince of Wales Hospital in Randwick.