Victorian Inquiry into Community Pharmacy Announced

By Petrina Smith
Thursday, 12 June, 2014

pharmacyIn a first for State-based politics in Victorian Government, the Victorian Legislative council has passed a motion to inquire into the role and opportunities for community pharmacy in primary and preventative care in Victoria.
The announcement of the inquiry, which is to report by October 14, 2014, has been welcomed by Michelle Lynch and Anthony Tassone, Presidents of the Victorian Branches of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia and Pharmacy Guild of Australia respectively.
Ms Lynch said the inquiry would hopefully result in better recognition of the contribution pharmacists can play in improving the health outcomes of consumers.
“We have long been advocating for greater utilisation of the skills and knowledge of pharmacists across the broad healthcare sector and I am confident this inquiry will highlight many areas where pharmacists can make a real difference,” Ms Lynch said.
“The health system in Australia is facing a crisis and we need to use every resource we can to help avert this crisis. This inquiry will give us a further opportunity to show where pharmacists can help improve health outcomes while also meeting the Government’s health agenda and helping to contain rising costs.”
Mr Tassone congratulated the government on the initiative and was thankful for the opportunity to present the value of community pharmacy’s value.
“The Pharmacy Guild and PSA have made extensive and ongoing representations to the Victorian Health Minister and the Department, and it is pleasing there has been this progress to date.”
Mr Tassone said he was confident the inquiry would provide a unique opportunity to put forward a compelling case of the role community pharmacy can play for the health of Victorians.
“This includes areas such as post-acute healthcare, aged care, personalised medication management and vaccinations,” Mr Tassone said.
“Whilst both the Guild and the PSA are optimistic of the progress of our advocacy work to date, we will certainly not rest on our laurels and ensure our submissions and presentations to the Legislative Council of the Victorian Government will hopefully result in community pharmacy being recognised and remunerated for the great work they do and can do – for the benefit of all Victorians.”
The PSA and the Guild will make their submissions to the inquiry publicly available following their lodgement in late June

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