Ambiguity - One of Our Greatest Infection Risks
13 September, 2014 by Cathryn Murphy
In the past decade, the length, number and type of infection prevention directives have expanded on an unprecedented scale and at an ever-increasing pace. Contemporary clinicians and infection preventionists working in Australia can easily and readily access guidance generated from governments, non-regulatory agencies, academic educational institutions and from their respective professional associations. These guiding instruments are generally either broad, overarching documents deemed suitable for a variety of clinical settings or detailed and limited to procedures and practices specific to a clinical speciality.
Infection Control Features
13 September, 2014 by Ryan MccannAmbiguity - One of Our Greatest Infection Risks
Landmark Biomedical Health Survey Released Today
11 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithFollowing the release of a landmark biomedical health survey, the National Heart Foundation of Australia says cardiovascular disease will remain a major contributor the the gap in life expectancy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people.
Treatment Practices for Sepsis Infections Continue to Vary
10 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithTreatment practices for patients hospitalised with the potentially fatal infection known as sepsis will continue to vary because of individual differences between hospitals and countries, according to University of Adelaide researchers.
Addressing Cultural Issues Will Improve Prostate Cancer Awareness
10 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithInformation on prostate cancer needs to be better communicated to men who have English as a second language, according to new research launched by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA).
Report Highlights Challenges of Young Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer
10 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithA new 'pull no punches' report by the National Breast Cancer Foundation is drawing attention to the unique challenges faced by the 800 young women diagnosed with breast cancer in Australia each year.
Declining Rate of Heart Attacks for Western Australians with Diabetes
09 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithDuring the past decade there has been a declining rate of heart attacks for Western Australians with diabetes despite a rapid rise in the prevalence of diabetes.
Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Program Presents Excellent Results
09 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithA study at the University of Sydney has found that the number of cases of young women affected by genital warts, or human papillomavirus, has dropped by 61% since the national human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine program was introduced in 2007.
Global Epidemic of Diabetes is Hampering Progress in Tuberculosis Control
04 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithThe rapid increase in rates of type 2 diabetes* in low- and middle-income countries where tuberculosis (TB) is endemic could hamper global efforts to control and eliminate TB, according to a new three-part Series about TB and diabetes, published in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.
Debate Encouraged on Role of Pharmacists in Primary Care
03 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithThe Consumers' Health Forum says the AMA's concerns about the Pharmacy Guild proposal for the Federal Government to fund pharmacies to provide cholesterol and blood pressure checks, vaccinations, and non-prescription treatments for minor ailment, raises some important questions about the role of pharmacists in primary care in Australia and negotiations around the 6th community pharmacy agreement.
Researchers Discover Genes for Glaucoma
02 September, 2014 by Petrina SmithWestern Australian researchers have played an important role in a major international collaboration to discover genes for glaucoma, the second leading cause of blindness.
National Boards Announce Practitioner Registration Fees for 2014/15
29 August, 2014 by Petrina SmithNational Boards have announced practitioner registration fees for 2014/15, including six Boards that have reduced their fees, two which have frozen their fees and six which have limited their fee increases to the national consumer price index (CPI). The Medical Radiation Practice, Nursing and Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Osteopathy, Optometry and Physiotherapy Boards have reduced their fees.
National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill to Be Debated in the Senate
26 August, 2014 by Petrina SmithWith the National Health Amendment (Pharmaceutical Benefits) Bill 2014 being debated in the Senate this week, the The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) is arguing Australians already pay too much for their medicines.
Simulation Could Offer Beneficial Training Opportunities for Surgeons
21 August, 2014 by Petrina SmithSimulation could offer beneficial training opportunities for surgeons with many participants in multidisciplinary sessions offering positive feedback, an article in the latest Australia and New Zealand Journal of Surgery has found.