Clinical Services

Antibiotic Resistance Program Focuses on Urinary Tract Infections

20 November, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The next phase of the NPS MedicineWise Reducing Antibiotic Resistance program for health professionals focuses on the complex topic of managing urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Real-time Prescription Monitoring Welcomed

17 November, 2014 by Sophie Blackshaw

With more Victorians dying each year from prescription drug overdoses than on the state's roads, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Victorian Branch has welcomed the Victorian Coalition’s pledge to develop a real-time prescription monitoring service.

Equal Care and Survival Rates for City and Country South Australians

11 November, 2014 by Sophie Blackshaw

Research from the University of Adelaide has found that Country South Australians with colorectal cancer that has spread to other areas of the body are receiving equal surgical care and have the same survival rates as those living in the city.

Typhoid Gene Discovery Could Help Improve Treatment to Infections Diseases

11 November, 2014 by Petrina Smith

People who carry a particular type of gene have natural resistance against typhoid fever according to new research published in Nature Genetics.

Laundering microfibre cleaning cloths

11 November, 2014 by ahhb

Logan Hospital Opens New Facilities

10 November, 2014 by Petrina Smith

New facilities including an emergency department, expanded children's inpatient unit and rehabilitation unit have been opened at Logan Hospital in Queensland.

Enough is Enough Survey Highlights Need to Change Australia's Drinking Culture

06 November, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Responding to the release of the Australasian College of Emergency Medicine's (ACEM) Enough is Enough Survey, AMA President, A/Prof Brian Owler, says the Federal Government needs to work to change Australia's drinking culture.

New National Asthma Strategy to be Developed

30 October, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A new National Asthma Strategy will be developed to address the toll the condition has on the lives of more than two million Australians.

Health Ombudsman to Report on Hospital Waiting Lists

27 October, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The performance of Queensland public hospitals in reducing surgical waiting lists and treating patients on time will soon be audited and reported by the independent Health Ombudsman.

Infectious Disease Expert Appointed

27 October, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The Federal Government has appointed the University of Sydney's Professor Lyn Gilbert to advise on the prevention and control of infectious diseases, in the event of an Ebola outbreak.

More Than One Third of Deaths By Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease

27 October, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has indicated that cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic kidney disease were the underlying causes of almost 53,000, or 36%, of deaths in 2011.

Innovative Pharmacist of the Year Award Announced

22 October, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The Queensland Pharmacist Immunisation Implementation Pilot team, led by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s Queensland President, Professor Lisa Nissen, has received the prestigious University of Technology Sydney Innovative Pharmacist of the Year award.

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