Clinical Services

Hepatitis Report Card Released for World Hepatitis Day

28 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A Hepatitis Report Card released for World Hepatitis Day today shows 250,000 Australians with untreated hepatitis B or C are aged over 40 years and have reached the critical age-point where liver scarring accelerates and the risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer and liver failure dramatically increases.

Rise in Diagnostic Imaging Tests Ordered by GPs

23 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

[caption id="attachment_5130" align="alignright" width="200"] Head x-ray, brain in MRI[/caption]

Australian Smoking Rates at Record Lows

17 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

New data showing a record fall in smoking rates confirms that Australia is on track to achieve major reductions in smoking-related diseases, Cancer Council Australia said today.

NHMRC Advanced Health Research Translation Centre Submissions Open

17 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

[caption id="attachment_8246" align="alignright" width="133"] Professor Warwick Anderson[/caption]

Study Highlights Increasing Risks of Opioid Misuse

16 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The need to fast track real-time prescription reporting for some drugs has been given renewed impetus in a study highlighting the increasing risks of opioid misuse. The study, “An overview of the patterns of prescription opioid use, costs and related harms in Australia”, published in the June edition of the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, finds that between 1992 and 2012, opioid dispensing increased 15-fold (500,000 to 7.5 million) and the corresponding cost to the Australian government increased 32-fold ($8.5 million to $271 million).

Health Workers Walk off The Job at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

15 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

More than 500  health workers have walked off the job at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in the first of a series of rolling 12-hour stoppages.

DonateLife Electronic Donor Record System Announced

13 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A new national electronic donor record system to streamline organ and tissue donation processes across Australian hospital networks has been announced by Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash.

Whooping Cough Vaccination Program for Women

09 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A vaccination program for pregnant women will help protect their newborn babies from deadly whooping cough as part of the Queensland Government’s new immunisation strategy.

Pharmacists Welcome Extension of Qld Immunisation Trial

09 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The success of the pharmacist-delivered flu immunisation trial in Queensland has led to the Queensland Government extending the pilot to cover other vaccinations including measles and whooping cough for adults.

Report on Hospitalised Injuries in Older Australians Released

08 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

One quarter of all injury hospitalisations were Australians aged 65 and over according to the report Hospitalised injuries in older Australians: 2011-12, released today by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW).

University of Adelaide Research Provides New Insights Into HIV Virus

08 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Research led by the University of Adelaide has provided new insights into how the HIV virus greatly boosts its chances of spreading infection, and why HIV is so hard to combat.

New Educational Resource to Help People Living with Chronic Hepatitis B

08 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

A new educational resource, designed to improve the lives of people living with chronic hepatitis B, is now available in Australia.

Elderly Most Vulnerable Group to be Affected by Introduction of Co-payments

08 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

The elderly and those with chronic conditions are those most likely to be affected by the Federal government's proposal to introduce co-payments for  medications and services provided by GPs, pathology and imaging providers, according to a new University of Sydney study.

Lung Test Could Help Asthmatic Children Better Manage Their Condition

04 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

Sydney researchers have discovered how a novel type of lung test could help asthmatic children better manage their condition at home.

Grant Kardachi Re-elected as PSA National President

03 July, 2014 by Petrina Smith

[caption id="attachment_8461" align="alignright" width="161"] Grant Kardachi[/caption] Pharmaceutical Society of Australia National President Grant Kardachi has been re-elected for a fourth term. The PSA National Board met in Canberra today and also re-elected Joe Demarte as Vice President and elected Michelle Lynch as the other Vice President.

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