Industry News
Cost of hospital readmissions 'disproportionally high': study
UQ researchers analysed data from more than 165,000 hospitalisations for heart failure in all public and most private hospitals in Australia from 2013 to 2017. [ + ]
New guidelines for treating unexplained infertility
Up to 30% of infertile heterosexual couples are affected by 'unexplained' infertility, which cannot be assigned a direct cause. [ + ]
Digital tools to improve ADR reporting, medication safety
Around 75% of Australians have experienced a bad reaction to a medication, but fewer than half have reported it to health authorities. [ + ]
Fairfield Hospital redevelopment — lead design team appointed
In the coming months, the lead design team will work with Health Infrastructure and SWLHD to identify future requirements and commence early planning for the site. [ + ]
WHV launches Men as Allies training program
The program supports men to understand their role in promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence and disrespect, whether at home, at work or in the community. [ + ]
50 recommendations to ensure access to latest treatments
The federal government has released the final report of the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Review. [ + ]
Dementia: 46% jump in scripts dispensed, health services use increases
Almost 688,000 dementia medication prescriptions were dispensed to around 72,400 Australians aged 30 and over in 2022–23, according to data from the AIHW. [ + ]
Tweed Valley Hospital wins planning and design award
The award celebrates projects and organisations that are at the forefront of public participation and their commitment to excellence. [ + ]
EMR simulation system to train future nurses
The system provides a risk-free virtual environment to practise use of digital healthcare tools and electronic documentation processes. [ + ]
Clinicians, hospital leaders join SA Health LHN boards
Clinicians and hospital leaders are among the three new board chairs who have been appointed to South Australia's Local Health Networks (LHNs). [ + ]
Report highlights top five areas of innovation in health
Part of a three-year annual review, the report aims to build a sustained innovation pipeline, encouraging collaboration and long-term progress in the health sector. [ + ]
Calls for a new body to oversee medications for use in pregnancy
A shortage of obstetric medicines is putting the health of pregnant women at risk from serious conditions like pre-eclampsia, suggests a new review. [ + ]
Royal Adelaide Hospital to provide rapid EV charging
The Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) is set to provide rapid electric vehicle (EV) charging facilities for patients, visitors and staff. [ + ] launches radiology-specific language model
The model is now being made accessible to selected industry partners, healthcare professionals, and regulators around the world. [ + ]
Trial improves diabetes care with eHealth tool
Diabetes Australia and the Australian Centre for Accelerating Diabetes Innovation have launched a new research initiative with the aim of increasing the number of diabetes clinical trials. [ + ]