Industry News
Taking the heat off - Radiology peaks in emergency care
When the summer heat is over, at the emergency department of the highly reputed Clínica Sagrado Corazón, Seville, the staff is ready to take the healthcare heat: Agfa HealthCare’s DX-D 300 Direct Radiography (DR) system can handle the workload peaks flawlessly, offering both staff and patients unprecedented comfort and diagnostic quality. [ + ]
A care approach to infection control
Catheter-related blood stream infections (CRBSIS) and life-threatening hospital acquired infections (HAIS) present a patient well-being challenge for healthcare professionals and an economic burden for healthcare facilities across the world, yet with the right strategies they are also the most preventable. The Australian Hospital and Healthcare Bulletin spoke with leading UK IV nurse consultant, Andrew Jackson, on his recent education tour of Australia, sponsored by 3M. [ + ]
Aged care Q&A
In this issue we speak with Council of the Ageing (COTA) Chief Executive, Ian Yates, about the anticipated overhaul of Australia's aged care sector. [ + ]
Health Reform Opportunities for All in the Sector
Health Reform Opportunities for All in the Sector [ + ]