Unlocking Sustainable Growth for Disability Service Providers

Friday, 22 March, 2024

Unlocking Sustainable Growth for Disability Service Providers

In the ever-evolving landscape of delivering NDIS services, the importance of selecting the right partner cannot be overstated. Navigating a partner in the disability sector that will provide trustworthy advice, direction on managing industry compliance or enabling businesses to deliver high-quality care has proven to be a key challenge faced by many disability providers.

For too long business leaders have focussed on software as features and functionality, rather than understanding the overall value in the investment of a strategic partnership.

A tech partner is one that propels an organisation toward sustainable growth. Lumary understands this crucial distinction and is enabling NDIS service providers with a blend of cutting-edge technology, unwavering service and support, and a commitment to trust and security.

Trust and Security in Your Tech Partner

Over 200 healthcare providers are already benefiting from Lumary’s transformative end-to-end care management software and tech partnership. Lumary recognises the challenges faced by disability service providers in navigating the complexities of technology adoption for their workforce while ensuring data security and regulatory compliance. Their approach goes beyond offering a software tool as they strive to be a leading trusted tech partner, guiding organisations through every stage of their growth journey.

Lumary’s co-founder and CEO, Joseph Mercorella, states, “Empowering disability service providers to scale their businesses is at the heart of our mission. Our strategic tech partnership is designed to not only meet the immediate needs of our clients but also to fuel their long-term growth aspirations. We truly want to empower our customers to improve their operational efficiency which elevates the wellbeing of their workforce and translates into improved personalised care for the participant.”

Ensuring Data Security

One of the primary concerns for any organisation entrusting its operations to a tech partner is data security. With Lumary’s certification of ISO 27001 international standard for its NDIS care management software, organisations can rest assured that their sensitive information is safeguarded against potential threats. Lumary’s team of industry experts and tech engineers remain vigilant, staying abreast of the latest advancements and implementing robust security measures to strengthen digital infrastructure.

Streamlining Compliance with NDIA Integration

Furthermore, the NDIS landscape continues to evolve. With the introduction of PACE, the complex administration of the NDIS continues, and requirements for staying compliant with regulatory changes are becoming more prevalent. Navigating these changes is a significant administrative burden for any disability organisation. With Lumary’s care management platform and direct integration with the NDIA’s provider portal organisations can streamline operations by automating the complexities of rate updates and claim processing.

And not to mention, peace-of-mind in managing NDIA compliance requirements. This proactive approach helps to shield organisations from potential pitfalls and reduce the administrative load, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional care to their clients.

Driving Efficiency and Profitability

In the pursuit of efficiency and profitability, providers are often faced with a crucial decision: whether to customise technology to suit business needs or adapt one’s business to fit technology. A successful tech partnership goes beyond ‘plug-and-play’ software adoption. In some cases this may seem cost effective initially, however, providers increasingly find themselves quickly either outgrowing tech tools or troubled by data disparity in non-integrated tech stacks.

When disability providers look to embark on new business software solutions, their key success starts by refining their business processes to align with the supporting technology. Disability providers approaching digital transformation this way have high system adoption, increase scalability and achieve sustainable outcomes quicker and easier. Lumary’s enterprise care management platform has been developed in collaboration with leading disability providers and industry experts since the inception of the NDIS, ensuring a best practice software solution that focuses on compliance and optimising workforce operations.

Custom software development, while offering a bespoke solution, requires substantial upfront investment and extended timelines. In contrast, Lumary’s purpose-built solution has evolved over time addressing specific sector needs and supporting disability providers to accelerate digital transformation with minimal disruption. In an already intricate industry, the choice of managing a custom-built software solution can significantly burden disability providers. It requires them to navigate sector changes and constantly adapt their custom technology to align with shifting NDIS requirements and regulations. This option can often incur draining effects on financial and workforce resources in the pursuit of maintaining compliance.

Working with a trusted tech partner and adopting their purpose-built software solutions ensures that financial and human resources remain focused on core healthcare delivery. With a long-term tech partnership, providers can confidently balance the ever-evolving landscape of disability care management, assured that their technology has proven the test of time by regularly adapting and updating to meet industry demands. This decision can drive long-term success and resilience, laying a solid foundation for growth and sustainability. By embracing technology like Lumary’s, organisations establish a pathway to efficiency, profitability, and service excellence.

Success Story: Concentric’s Transformation

Let’s delve into the success story of Concentric, a thriving multidisciplinary allied health practice and NDIS provider with over 34 locations across Australia. Concentric is one customer who has exemplified the transformative power of a long-term investment in Lumary as a trusted healthtech partner. Concentric is growing rapidly and after successfully implementing Lumary’s CM platform, they chose to adopt Lumary’s NDIA integration module in June 2023. Concentric CIO, Simon Baird says “Lumary’s technology has had a transformative impact on our organisational efficiency and is setting us up for future expansion of services. The integration of Lumary’s NDIA Module has not only optimised our operational framework but has also notably improved our NDIA claims processing procedures.

Lumary’s NDIA Integration Module enables data synchronisation between the NDIA (Proda & PACE) and Lumary’s software making for a much smoother pathway when claiming funds from the NDIA.

After approximately 6 months of implementing Lumary’s NDIA Integration Module, Concentric reported a 60% reduction in NDIA claim errors. This not only translates to a substantial financial improvement but also signifies a significant decrease in the stress associated with hidden costs and the exhaustive efforts required to address unsuccessful and contested claims.

Reducing NDIA Claim Errors: A Financial Game-Changer

If you’ve ever dealt with NDIA claims, you know the frustration of encountering claim errors. These errors come at a high cost to organisations, and the more frequently they occur, the more the cost compounds. “This is a common issue and we’ve seen many businesses report error rates anywhere from 2% to 17% with NDIA claims.

This adds significant financial strain on any organisation,” says Lumary’s VP of Strategic Growth, Jason Collins.

As an example, an organisation claiming $2 million per annum from the NDIA might find themselves investing valuable resources chasing after $340,000 per year. Despite the dedicated efforts of finance teams, numerous failed claims often result in hours of exhaustive investigations, follow-ups, and reclaim attempts. The hidden costs associated with these recovery efforts can be both crippling and immensely frustrating," continues Collins.

With Lumary’s purpose-built NDIS software, providers can experience peace of mind knowing that their trusted tech solution is streamlining claim procedures, minimising errors, and seamlessly integrating while ensuring compliance with the NDIA. This allows organisations like Concentric to prioritise delivering exceptional services while continuing to scale their business.

Tech Partnership: Strategic Investment for Success

Indeed, the journey toward sustainable growth requires more than just technological know-how. It requires a partner who shares your vision, understands your challenges, and stands ready to support your aspirations.

Choosing a tech partner like Lumary means choosing to invest in your future. It means choosing to streamline your operations, enhance the quality of your services, and forge a path towards sustainable growth. With the right tech partner by your side, you gain more than just a mere software tool; you gain a strategic advantage that propels your organisation toward greater efficiency, profitability, and client satisfaction.

Seize the opportunity to elevate your organisation to new heights. Embrace the power of a Lumary partnership and embark on a journey toward sustainable growth and unparalleled success. Book a healthcare consultation with their team today and experience the difference firsthand. Together, create better wellbeing in people’s lives—one transformative partnership at a time.


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