New Report Highlights Urgency to Take Action against Antibiotic Resistance

By Petrina Smith
Thursday, 13 March, 2014

bacteriaA New report released by the National Health Performance Authority shows a  prevalence of healthcare-associated Staphylococcus aureus or ‘Golden Staph’ bloodstream infections in Australian hospitals.
The report shows there were  1,724 cases of the potentially deadly Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infection acquired through public hospitals in 2012–13.
In a bid to combat this,  NPS MedicineWise is urging everyone to take action to help stop the spread of antibiotic-resistant infections.
NPS MedicineWise CEO Dr Lynn Weekes says “We know that without substantially changing our behaviour and attitudes when it comes to using antibiotics wisely, we are potentially facing a future in which we return to the pre-antibiotic era where simple infections can no longer be treated with antibiotics,” says Dr Weekes.
“In light of the new data about the number of Staph aureus cases in hospitals, NPS MedicineWise is urging hospital staff — including doctors, nurses and pharmacists — to take our pledge to fight against antibiotic resistance.”
The pledge asks all hospital and community health professionals to be a champion for appropriate use of antibiotics when prescribing, dispensing, offering advice or answering questions about antibiotics.
The health professional pledge sits alongside a pledge for other individuals, which asks all Australians:

  • Not to expect antibiotics for colds and the flu as they have no effect on viruses.

  • To take antibiotics as directed if they are prescribed.

  • To practise good hygiene to help stop the spread of infection.

“Antibiotic resistance is everyone's problem,” says Dr Weekes. “Antibiotic-resistant infections are increasingly becoming a problem not just in hospitals, but also in the community, and they can affect anyone — not just those who are very unwell or have been hospitalised.
“Health professionals and individuals alike have a responsibility to preserve the miracle of antibiotics — and we must step up and act now or risk losing these miracle drugs forever.”
NPS MedicineWise is currently undertaking a five year campaign to help stop the spread of antibiotic resistance in Australia.
To read more about antibiotic resistance, and to take the pledge, visit
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