The right mattress covers assists in combating c-diff bacteria

By John Connole
Monday, 17 September, 2012

The recent detection of the bacterium Clostridium difficile (C-diff) in Australia has sparked concerns among healthcare experts of a possible outbreak of this new Super Bug, in February this year, three patients at a Melbourne hospital were detected as carrying the bacteria and last November another 10 from a Melbourne aged care facility also tested positive to the bacteria.

C-diff is a species of gram positive bacteria, the most serious cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) which could badly weaken patients staying in hospital, particularly elderly patients with mulitple underlying illnesses.

Whilst the standard form of the bug is common in hospitals, this severe new strain is far more dangerous and has been linked to thousands of deaths overseas.

Experts are calling for immediate action to prevent the outbreak of this deadly infection.

Several disinfectants commonly used in hospitals may be ineffective against C-difficile bacteria. The only disinfectant that is proven to be effective in killing the organisms is Chlorine.

With this in mind, Bravo™ has developed a special Excel coating for mattress covers to control the spreading of the C-diff bacteria. The Bravo™ Excel has the highest chemical resistance to chlorine over any other equivalent products in the market. The Bravo™ mattress covers with Excel coating can simply be wiped down with chlorine without being damaged. It has in fact been tested in complete immersion for 48 hours in active chlorine (5 per cent) with no loss of hydrostatic head or adhesion. Put simply the coating and permeability of the product is not affected.

Bravo™ Excel coating also resists extremely well against all kinds of other disinfectants such as phenol, ammonium, peroxide and alcohol based disinfectants, meeting the new stringent cleaning guidelines for all healthcare facilities.

Additionally, Bravo™ Excel coating can be easily washed up to 100 times at 95o C without causing any damage to the coating. For more severe infection control requirements the Bravo™ Excel coating can also resist autoclave sterilisation, having been tested and approved after 50 cycles autoclave at 134oC.

Bravo™ Excel range also offers other advantages such as having good anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. The fabrics are also fire resistant to BS7175. As the fabrics are coated with a superior PU coating, they are naturally soft and supple, have two ways stretch and outstanding breathability to provide optimum patient comfort, and are also 100 per cent fluid proof.

Having the right mattress covers will not completely prevent the C-diff bacteria but it is an important factor that assists with infection control in hospitals and aged care facilities.

The Bravo™ range of mattress and pillow covers are proudly and exclusively distributed in Australia by Charles Parsons. For further details, please call 1300 147 887 or email

Bravo™ Excel coatings are extremely resistant to most kinds of disinfectants. Surface wiping can be done numerous times without problems when using the following products:

  • Alcohol based disinfectants

  • Phenol based disinfectants

  • Disinfectants based on quarternary ammonium

  • Active chlorine based disinfectants (more than 100 times at 50,000ppm)

  • Chloramine based disinfectants

  • Peroxide based disinfectants

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