3D-printed skin could improve reconstructive surgery
Fat tissue holds the key to 3D printing layered living skin and potentially even hair follicles, according to an international study. [ + ]
Open water swimming: identifying and managing SIPE
SIPE occurs when excess fluid accumulates in the lungs, causing acute shortness of breath during or immediately after swimming. [ + ]
The state of paediatric palliative care in Australia
150 km. That's the average distance between paediatric palliative care patients and the children's hospital at which they received specialist care. [ + ]
Bridging the maternal care gap
In 2021, around 46% of first-time mothers had a postnatal stay of less than one day, according to new data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW). [ + ]
From an aerialist acrobat to a nurse
A career transition from an aerialist to a nurse may not seem obvious, but for Kylie Page — who always aspires to assist others during difficult times — a move to nursing was a well-planned action. [ + ]
New $145m 'quiet hospital' opens in Vic
A new $145 million Northern Private Hospital has opened in Epping, Victoria, featuring the latest digital devices for patient safety and quality. [ + ]
Shifting the dial on obesity
In 2018, 8.4% of the total burden of disease in Australia was due to overweight and obesity, making it the second leading risk factor contributing to disease burden after tobacco use. [ + ]
New guidelines for concussion and brain health released
The Australian Institute of Sport, in close collaboration with the Australian Physiotherapy Association and other major partners, has released new guidelines for concussion management. [ + ]
Making cancer outcome equity a reality
Christine Cockburn, CEO, Rare Cancers Australia, reflects on care disparities across populations and the role of personalised medicine in improving outcomes. [ + ]
A new weapon against C. diff bacteria
In a phase-one human clinical trial, a US pharmacist researcher has shown that a newer generation tetracycline antibiotic could help combat Clostridioides difficile (C. diff) bacteria. [ + ]
Should disease management mirror dentistry?
After smoking and obesity, poor diet is the largest contributor to Australia's disease burden, yet it is uncommon for patients to be offered personalised, nutrition-related interventions when seeking health care. [ + ]
Providing better access and more choice for cancer care
Cancer patients undergoing treatment on Brisbane's northside are set to benefit from a new, multimillion-dollar onsite radiation therapy service. [ + ]
Improving care for people with cancer cachexia
Cancer cachexia affects 50–80% of people, but the condition often goes unrecognised, leaving patients and even healthcare providers grappling with its elusive nature. [ + ]
How the latest resistance patterns are shaping IPC
Professor Peter Collignon AM and Conjoint Associate Professor Carolyn Hullick from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care detail why we need to pay attention to the latest trends in antimicrobial use and resistance. [ + ]
Managing the "opportunistic invasive" fungal pathogens
Invasive fungal infections are a growing risk to human health worldwide, with the World Health Organization releasing its first-ever watchlist of fungal priority pathogens — species of highest concern that require serious attention. [ + ]