Clinical Services

Global prostate cancer rates predicted to double by 2040

08 April, 2024

The number of annual prostate cancer deaths worldwide is predicted to rise by 85% from 375,000 in 2020 to almost 700,000 by 2040.

What's the key to retaining rural GPs?

08 April, 2024

Understanding doctors' decisions to stay or leave, once recruited, could provide insights on how to address GP shortages in rural and remote areas.

2024 ACIPC conference — registration, abstract submissions open

05 April, 2024 | Supplied by: Conference Design

The 2024 ACIPC International Conference will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and online from 17–20 November 2024.

Non-invasive tests may miss heart failure in AF patients: study

03 April, 2024

Existing non-invasive screening tools may miss heart failure amongst patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and should be used with caution, suggests latest research from the University of Adelaide (UA).

ACT Ambulance deploys 'ultracompact' defibrillators

03 April, 2024

The deployment will enable remote access paramedics to carry life-saving defibrillators to inaccessible locations.

App uses AI to cut endometriosis diagnosis delays

03 April, 2024

Endometriosis Australia has partnered with CHARLI to launch a period and reproductive health tracking app for diagnosis and management of conditions such as endometriosis.

Detmold Medical Tri-Panel respirators and Level 3 Surgical Visor Masks

02 April, 2024 | Supplied by: Detmold Medical Pty Ltd

Detmold Medical's new range of Tri-Panel respirators and Level 3 Surgical Visor Masks is designed to offer wearers extra protection, comfort and more effective fit.

NTT and Olympus cloud endoscopy system

02 April, 2024 | Supplied by: Olympus Australia Pty Ltd

NTT Corporation (NTT) and Olympus Corporation (Olympus) have jointly begun a demonstration experiment of a cloud endoscopy system that enables image processing on the cloud.

AI in health: CSIRO report highlights opportunities, challenges

27 March, 2024

The use of AI in health care is unique because the accuracy of models could mean the difference between life and death, or ongoing health and illness, said Dr David Hansen.

Blood analysis could help predict sepsis in children

27 March, 2024

Professor Luregn Schlapbach from UQ's Child Health Research Centre said sepsis is best treated when recognised early, so the finding could help clinicians in the future.

New Precision Care Clinic at NSW's Prince of Wales Hospital

27 March, 2024

The clinic will provide personalised and tailored care for cancer and hopes to facilitate rapid adoption of precision medicine research into routine public health care.

Study reports rise in use of 'designer' drug substitutes

26 March, 2024

An alert has been issued on the use of designer drug substitutes, following a 75% increase in detection of synthetic stimulant pentylone across Australia.

Opioids: did PBS restrictions reduce use in Australia?

25 March, 2024

Subsidised opioid use has dropped overall, but use of one opioid is still on the rise, reveals a new study.

Lung health clinicians and researchers recognised

25 March, 2024

Fourteen lung health clinicians and researchers have been recognised as a part of TSANZ's 2024 Respiratory Research Excellence Awards.

New Melbourne facility to deliver human challenge trials

25 March, 2024

Human challenge trials are one of the most efficient ways to evaluate the efficacy of novel vaccines and therapeutics, said Professor James McCarthy, CMO, Doherty Clinical Trials.

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